Most people don't know what selling is like. They complain about their jobs with guaranteed money coming in every month.
But you don't.
You know the feeling "If I don't close this sale, I don't know how I'm going to pay the mortgage next month." It. Is. Scary.
Especially when you are on your own. Maybe you are a freelancer, working solo on design, photography, or other creative contracts. Maybe you are a startup founder, trying to sling your first deals. Maybe you sell real estate, insurance, financial planning services, or a whole host of other things.
Either way... you get it.
I'm Rob Metcalf and I'm just like you. A few years ago I started doing freelance design. Things went great for a while. Then in 2021, everything dried up. I couldn't find work to save my life. In the whole summer, I made $2k.
So I did what I always try to do: I asked my friends for help.
Turns out, I knew a lot of smart people. But the people who made the most sense told me to sell. They taught me about sequencing emails. They taught me how to find people's email addresses for really cheap. And they taught me about how to talk to clients.
Finally after months of trial and error, I made my first sale. Then another one. Then another one. And it kept growing. Now I'm providing for my family and my business is growing 2x this year alone.
Looking back on my journey, I realize two things:
#1: Sales tools were not built for people like me. They were built for huge corporations who raised millions of dollars of venture capital. Aka... they were super expensive and didn't consider my needs.
Raising venture capital money means tools get expensive and features are focused on clients who pay a lot of money. That means solo-sellers like you and me get the shaft.
#2: It took a really long time to learn to sell. From the day I started selling to the day I made my first sale, it was 5 months. That worked for me because, frankly, my wife is incredible. But not everyone is married to Molly Freaking Metcalf. People have bills to pay, kids to feed, and dreams to achieve.
That is why I started Sales Software Co with Ben (The Master). Because I believe the path to a better life lies in feeling proud of what you've accomplished. I believe that selling is the best way to grow a small business, and that email selling often is the most effective way to get started.